Scents are broken up by two categories, Lynn's Blends are all one of a kind custom scents made by hand by Lynn herself!
If you want something that you don't see yet, feel free to ask us!

Halloween Scents
black licorice
HEADLESS HORSEMEN =cinnamon/clove/orange/french vanilla
The witching hour
Bewitching brew Cinnamon, jasmine, rose, musk, black tea, and patchouli
WItches brew
Candy corn
candy apple
trick or treat
harvest moon light
dragon's blood
Lynn’s Blends
Scary pumpkin pumpkin/vanilla/apples
BLACK POISON- a magical blend of earthly sandalwood
yland yland patchouli baby powder vanilla
CASPER- Cinnamon, apple, frankincense, and clove
GHOST BRIDE- Vanilla, pumpkin, country apple, and cinnamon
HAUNTED HAYRIDE- Pumpkin, apple, orange, patchouli, vanilla, and sandalwood
OL’ HALLOWS EVE- Pumpkin, vanilla, cinnamon, orange, and apple
Funny bones peanut butter chocolate vanilla
SCARY PUMPKIN- Pumpkin, vanilla, and apple
SLEEPY HOLLOW- Harvest, pumpkin, spice, and fireplace
SPIDER WEBS- Orange, black licorice, candy apple, and cinnamon
WITCHES & BITCHES IN STITCHES- Pineapple, coconut, apple, and orange
Haunted hour apples vanilla pumpkin plum berries cinnamon